LSC Members

Eric Steinmiller | [email protected]
Parent Representatives
Leslie Gonzalez | [email protected]
Alicia Hernandez | [email protected] (Secretary)
Jaime Ponce | [email protected]
Peter Talmers | [email protected] (Chair)
Laura Yepez | [email protected]
Amy Zemnick | [email protected] (Vice Chair)
Community Representatives
Paul Kendrick | kendrick.[email protected]
Zach Hofeld | [email protected] (Open Meeting Act and Freedom of Information Act Officer)

Teacher Representatives
Eric Lezcano | [email protected]
Non-Teacher Staff
Veronica Heard | [email protected]

Student Representatives

George Dravillas
Katherine Talmers
Jaya Lee Taylor

If you have general comments, questions, concerns, or ideas for the LPHS LSC you may email [email protected] and someone will get back to you. Thank you!