Attendance Area Enrollment
School Year 2024 - 2025
If you live within the Lincoln Park High School Attendance Area and are planning on attending school at LPHS this school year (2024 - 2025 school year), please fill out this form so we can send out the registration process. One submission per student.
School Year 2025 - 2026
If you live within the Lincoln Park High School Attendance Area and are interested in attending LPHS next school year (2025 - 2026 school year), please fill out this form so we can send out the registration process later this spring. One submission per student.NOTE: Documentation of home address will be required before registration can be finalized.
To confirm you address is within the Lincoln Park Attendance Area, visit this website:
To enroll as an attendance-area student, families must present:
- Three forms of appropriate address verification (see below)
- Student’s most recent grades and standardized test scores
- Copy of the student’s birth certificate or other Proof of Guardianship
Address Verification may include:
Gas, electric, or landline telephone bills, Illinois Department of Public Aid Card, official Chicago Housing Authority lease (with student’s name listed on it), medical card, mortgage or property tax statement - provided these documents show both Parent/Guardian Name and Home Address
Note: Enrollment/Admission will be delayed until appropriate identifying information is presented, NO EXCEPTIONS.
School Location and Boundaries:
Lincoln Park High School is located at Armitage (2000 North) and Orchard (two blocks east of Halsted – 700 West). It is six blocks east of the Brown Line and is served by many bus routes.
For the most recent updates, an address check/school locator is available below.